What is the aim of Bai Euskarari Elkartea?

What is the Bai Euskarari certificate?

What does it mean to have the Bai Euskarari certificate?

Reasons for obtaining the Bai Euskarari certificate

What benefits and advantages will I gain from the Bai Euskarari certificate?

What do organisations that have been awarded the Bai Euskarari certificate think?

How can I obtain the Bai Euskarari certificate?

How is each organisation/company’s level determined?

How can I go up to a higher level?

Can a person obtain the Bai Euskarari certificate?

How much does it cost?

Are any grants available for my organisation/company to obtain the certificate?

Will I be given help to meet the goals?

What do I have to do to renew the certificate?

Where can I view the information and situation regarding my certificate?